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sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Final [Crea,elimina y restaura particiones e imágenes]

Parted Magic reúne las aplicaciones Linux imprescindibles con las que crear, eliminar y restaurar particiones e imágenes de disco.

Gestor gráfico de particiones, gestores de ficheros, recuperador de discos, grabador de CD y DVD y editor de imágenes ISO, son algunas de las herramientas presentes en esta diminuta distribución Linux.

Y todo ello acompañado de un entorno gráfico agradable y fácil de utilizar, a pesar de estar sólo en inglés.

Parted Magic incorpora también navegador web y FTP, editor de texto, calculadora, e incluso una pequeña utilidad para crear un USB desde el que arrancar Parted Magic.

- Format internal and external hard drives;
- Move, copy, create, delete, expansion and contraction of partitions on the hard disk;
- Cloning hard drives to create a full backup;
- Verification of hard disks and diagnostics;
- To check the memory for bad sectors;
- Benchmark your computer to assess its level of work;
- Delete all data on the hard disk without the possibility of recovery;
- Provides access to the hard disk when not zagruzayutsya systems, is saving important data;
- Boot from CD / USB memory, then can work without CD / USB;
- Supports network connections.

What’s new
audacious/audacious-3.3.4-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Rebuilt.
audacious-plugins/audacious-plugins-3.3.4-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Rebuilt.
bash/bash-4.3.030-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
cdw/cdw-0.7.1-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
ffmpeg/ffmpeg-2.1.5-i686_custom-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
freerdp-20131115_ea18d2b-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Rebuilt.
gsl/gsl-1.16-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
guvcview/guvcview-2.0.1-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
lame/lame-3.99.5-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
libburn/libburn-1.3.8-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
libisoburn/libisoburn-1.3.8-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
libisofs/libisofs-1.3.8-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
lxrandr/lxrandr-0.3.0-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-33.1.1-i486-1.txz: Upgraded.
portaudio/portaudio-V19-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
remmina/remmina-20131008_26b814a-i486-_pmagic.txz: Rebuilt.
SDL2/SDL2-2.0.3-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
v4l-utils/v4l-utils-0.9.5-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
x264/x264-20131101-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
xfburn/xfburn-0.5.2-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
lastpass/lastpass-cli-0.3.0.tar.gz: Added.
wxfixboot/wxfixboot_1.0.1pmagic-0ubuntu1~ppa1.tar.gz: Upgraded.

Checksum ISO:
CRC32: 737B641F
MD5: 208E6ED375D05FE32CC848654721AE7D
SHA-1: 26E9E2F98C64C4C6055BE3CC1E00AB524EBC9DBE


S.O: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8 y 8.1
FECHA DE SALIDA: 19.11.2014

Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Final [LiveCD-ISO]


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